
Check your understanding

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is the common characteristic of masers and lasers?

  2. What did Basov and Prokhorov work out?

  3. Who was the first to announce the construction and operation of a “maser”?

  4. Where were masers mainly applied?

  5. What does the acronym l.a.s.e.r stand for?

  6. What are the main fields of laser application?

Exercise 2. Join the suitable parts.

  1. It was … who recognized the existence of stimulated emission.

    1. Townes

    2. Schawlow

    3. Einstein

  1. Masers and lasers serve as … .

    1. amplifiers and generators

    2. magnifiers

    3. calculators

  1. It was … who invented the first operable laser.

    1. Basov

    2. Townes

    3. Maiman

  1. A laser invented by Ali Javan used … for the light emitting material.

    1. ruby medium

    2. a mixture of helium and neon

    3. a mixture of helium and nitrogen

  1. The 1964 Nobel Prize was awarded to Ch. Townes, N. Basov and A. Prokhorov for fundamental achievements in the field of … .

    1. radioactivity

    2. quantum electronics

    3. wave optics