VI. Regret, apology
When the receiver of a letter is unable to perform what he is asked to do, or when he wishes to decline an invitation, proposal or offer, he (she) should express his regret, apology or refusal in a most courteous and polite manner:
- We offer an apology for ….
- I am sorry that ….
- I sincerely regret that …
Dear Dr. Smirnov
I fell so sorry I kept you waiting so long for my letter. I must apologize for not sending you the reprint earlier, because I had to leave Minsk on business for a whole month. It gives me great pleasure to send you reprint now, I hope you will find it helpful in your experiment.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon
with best regards,
Yours sincerely.
Exercise 1. Translate the following letters into English.
1. Дорогой м-р Паркер!
Организационный Комитет имеет честь официально пригласить Вас принять участие в работе симпозиума по проблемам окружающей среды, который состоится в Москве с 10 по 15 февраля 2007 г. Симпозиум будет проходить в виде пленарных заседаний и дискуссий за круглым столом. Программа симпозиума прилагается.
Мы надеемся, что Вы примете приглашение, и мы будем иметь удовольствие видеть Вас на Симпозиуме.
С искренним уважением,
2. Дорогой проф. Гончаров,
Я пишу Вам с просьбой предоставить материалы по Вашей экспериментальной методике, чтобы сравнить ее с нашей. Я был бы так же очень благодарен, если бы Вы сочли возможным сообщить, какое оборудование Вы использовали.
С нетерпением жду Вашего ответа.
Искренне Ваш
3. Дорогой Джон!
Я чрезвычайно благодарен тебе за все, что ты для меня сделал, и особенно за материалы, которые ты мне прислал.
Я понимаю, сколько времени ты потратил на меня и мои проблемы. Зная, как ты занят, я особенно ценю твою помощь.
С благодарностью
4. Дорогой д-р Петров,
Я очень сожалею, что не мог вовремя дать отзыв на Вашу работу. Меня не было в Санкт-Петербурге в течение 2-х месяцев. Если еще не поздно, я могу дать устный отзыв, позвонив в редакцию журнала.
Еще раз простите за причиненное неудобство.
Жду Вашего ответа
С уважением
We hope that communication skills can bring you many career advantages!
- Л.П. Маркушевская, с.В. Шенцова, е.В. Соколова optics:
- Contents
- The History of Optics
- Understanding a printed text
- Comprehensive reading The History of Optics
- Check your understanding
- Exercise 2. Complete the sentences:
- Increase your vocabulary
- Chapter I Classical (Geometrical) Optics
- Comprehensive reading From the History of Geometrical Optics
- Check your understanding Exercise 1. True or false?
- Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer.
- Increase your vocabulary
- A virtual image …
- Language activity
- Unit 2 word-study
- Understanding a printed text
- Reading for precise information Nature of Light and Color
- Laws of reflection:
- Laws of refraction:
- Check your understanding
- 3 Laws
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Unit 3 word-study
- Understanding a printed text
- Scan-reading Optical Instruments
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Exercise 4. Summarize your knowledge of Past Simple or Past Continuous. Choose the correct tense.
- Unit 4 word study
- Understanding a printed text List of Terms:
- Reading and translating the text Lenses
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Unit 5 word study
- Understanding a printed text List of Terms:
- Read the text and entitle it
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language acitivity
- Review of the chapter I
- Supplementary tasks
- Improve your translation practice task 1
- The History of the Telescope
- Exercise 1. Rearrange the sentences in the chronological order.
- Holography
- Illumination, never remove protective cover from the
- Астрономические наблюдения объектов в широком диапазоне длин волн
- Chapter II Fiber Optics Unit 1
- Comprehensive reading The History of Fiber Optics
- Check your understanding Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.
- Increase your vocabulary Exercise 1. Compare the two columns and find Russian equivalents.
- Exercise 2. Match the antonyms.
- Language activity Exercise 1. Summarize your knowledge of Passive Constructions and translate the following sentences.
- Fiber Optic Systems
- Fiber Optic Technology
- Check your understanding
- Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with words from the text.
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Unit 3 word-study
- Understanding a printed text
- Reading and translating the text
- Check your understanding Exercise 1. Which title better suits the text?
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Exercise 2. Which of the italicized words in each sentence is the predicate?
- Unit 4 word study
- Read – reread;
- Understanding a printed text
- Comprehensive reading Optical Fiber Applications
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Rewiew of the chapter II
- Supplementary tasks
- Improve your translation practice task 1
- Fiber Optic Economics
- Exercise 1. Answer the questions.
- Exercise 2. Translate the following parentheses into Russian.
- How Optical Fibers Work
- Chapter III
- Word study
- Understanding a printed text
- Amplifier – усилитель
- Reading for discussion Maser-Laser History
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Unit 2 word study
- Understanding a printed text
- Reading for precise information Types of Lasers
- Solid-State Lasers
- Gas Lasers
- Semiconductor Lasers
- Free-Electron Lasers
- Liquid Lasers (Dye Lasers)
- Chemical Lasers
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Comprehensive reading Solid - State Lasers
- Semiconductor Lasers
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Adjectives
- Language activity
- Unit 4 word-study
- Understanding a printed text
- Comprehensive reading Gas and Molecular Lasers Gas Lasers
- Fig.1. Construction of He-Ne laser
- Molecular Lasers
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Exercise 3. Summarize your knowledge on non-Finite forms. Define the form of the underlined words (Infinitive, Participle - I, Participle - II, Gerund). Translate the sentences.
- Unit 5 word study
- Verb – noun
- Understanding a printed text
- Scan-reading Laser Applications
- Industry
- Scientific Research
- Communication
- Medicine
- Military Technology
- Laser Safety
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Exercise 2. Translate the following word combinations with Participle II as an attribute.
- Language activity
- Exercise 3. Cross out “that”, “who”, “which”, “when” if one can manage without them. Underline the subject in the second sentence.
- Supplementery tasks
- Improve your translation practice
- Лазерная сварка
- Лазеры в медицине
- How a Laser Works The Basics of an Atom
- The Connection Between Atoms and Lasers
- Understanding a printed text
- Lasers in Communication
- Laser Uses
- Appendix I Химические формулы
- Appendix II
- Appendix III Business Communication
- I. Introduction. Writing and Speaking – Your Keys to Business Success.
- II. The job campaign
- Working Experience
- Curriculum vitae
- Education
- III. Business letters
- I. Introducing your firm (the body the message of a letter).
- II. Official Invitations
- III. Request
- IV. Claim, protest!
- V. Gratitude, thanks.
- VI. Regret, apology
- Supplementary reading appendix IV Albert Einstein
- Arthur l. Schawlow
- Charles h. Townes
- Aleksandr m. Prokhorov
- Nicolay g. Basov
- Ted Maiman and the world's first laser
- Dictionary
- Haze, n – туман, дымка
- Observe, V – наблюдать
- Optics, n – оптика, оптические приборы
- Literature