Exercise 4. Summarize your knowledge of Past Simple or Past Continuous. Choose the correct tense.
Keppler was inventing/invented the form of the refracting telescope.
British-Hungarian scientist Dennis Gabor was developing/developed the theory of holography while he was working/worked to improve the resolution of an electron microscope.
Alexander Graham Bell was patenting/patented an optical telephone system, which he called the Photophone, in 1880.
When did/was it become/becoming possible to produce holograms of high-speed events?
Dr. Stephen A. Benton was inventing/invented white-light transmission holography while he was researching/researched holographic television at Polaroid Research laboratories.
Sir Isaac Newton, the great scientist and thinker was discovering/discovered some of the fundamental laws of mechanics.
The union of electromagnetic theory with optics was beginning/began when Maxwell was finding/found that his equations for the electromagnetic field (1873) described waves travelling at the velocity of light.
From 1609 till 1610 Galileo Galilei was learning/learned of the invention of the telescope by Hans Lippershey.
Bernhard Schmidt was inventing/invented a third type of telescope.
Exercise 5.
a) Choose the correct modal verb.
Можно передать / (must, may, can) be transferred
Нельзя собрать / (must not, cannot, may not) be collected
Нужно придать параллельность / (must, may, can) be collimated
Нельзя обеспечить / (must, can, cannot) be provided
Можно возобновить / (must, can, cannot;) be resumed
Нужно получить / (must, can, cannot) be obtained
b) Translate from English into Russian, paying attention to modal verbs.
1. The diode radiation can be collected by a simple lens. 2. Illumination of a semiconductor may be followed by various consequences; electron conductivity, “intrinsic” photoconductivity, impurity or defect photoconduction. 3. A conductor and an insulator must be distinguished by their extreme values of electrical conductivity.
- Л.П. Маркушевская, с.В. Шенцова, е.В. Соколова optics:
- Contents
- The History of Optics
- Understanding a printed text
- Comprehensive reading The History of Optics
- Check your understanding
- Exercise 2. Complete the sentences:
- Increase your vocabulary
- Chapter I Classical (Geometrical) Optics
- Comprehensive reading From the History of Geometrical Optics
- Check your understanding Exercise 1. True or false?
- Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer.
- Increase your vocabulary
- A virtual image …
- Language activity
- Unit 2 word-study
- Understanding a printed text
- Reading for precise information Nature of Light and Color
- Laws of reflection:
- Laws of refraction:
- Check your understanding
- 3 Laws
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Unit 3 word-study
- Understanding a printed text
- Scan-reading Optical Instruments
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Exercise 4. Summarize your knowledge of Past Simple or Past Continuous. Choose the correct tense.
- Unit 4 word study
- Understanding a printed text List of Terms:
- Reading and translating the text Lenses
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Unit 5 word study
- Understanding a printed text List of Terms:
- Read the text and entitle it
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language acitivity
- Review of the chapter I
- Supplementary tasks
- Improve your translation practice task 1
- The History of the Telescope
- Exercise 1. Rearrange the sentences in the chronological order.
- Holography
- Illumination, never remove protective cover from the
- Астрономические наблюдения объектов в широком диапазоне длин волн
- Chapter II Fiber Optics Unit 1
- Comprehensive reading The History of Fiber Optics
- Check your understanding Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.
- Increase your vocabulary Exercise 1. Compare the two columns and find Russian equivalents.
- Exercise 2. Match the antonyms.
- Language activity Exercise 1. Summarize your knowledge of Passive Constructions and translate the following sentences.
- Fiber Optic Systems
- Fiber Optic Technology
- Check your understanding
- Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with words from the text.
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Unit 3 word-study
- Understanding a printed text
- Reading and translating the text
- Check your understanding Exercise 1. Which title better suits the text?
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Exercise 2. Which of the italicized words in each sentence is the predicate?
- Unit 4 word study
- Read – reread;
- Understanding a printed text
- Comprehensive reading Optical Fiber Applications
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Rewiew of the chapter II
- Supplementary tasks
- Improve your translation practice task 1
- Fiber Optic Economics
- Exercise 1. Answer the questions.
- Exercise 2. Translate the following parentheses into Russian.
- How Optical Fibers Work
- Chapter III
- Word study
- Understanding a printed text
- Amplifier – усилитель
- Reading for discussion Maser-Laser History
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Unit 2 word study
- Understanding a printed text
- Reading for precise information Types of Lasers
- Solid-State Lasers
- Gas Lasers
- Semiconductor Lasers
- Free-Electron Lasers
- Liquid Lasers (Dye Lasers)
- Chemical Lasers
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Comprehensive reading Solid - State Lasers
- Semiconductor Lasers
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Adjectives
- Language activity
- Unit 4 word-study
- Understanding a printed text
- Comprehensive reading Gas and Molecular Lasers Gas Lasers
- Fig.1. Construction of He-Ne laser
- Molecular Lasers
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Exercise 3. Summarize your knowledge on non-Finite forms. Define the form of the underlined words (Infinitive, Participle - I, Participle - II, Gerund). Translate the sentences.
- Unit 5 word study
- Verb – noun
- Understanding a printed text
- Scan-reading Laser Applications
- Industry
- Scientific Research
- Communication
- Medicine
- Military Technology
- Laser Safety
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Exercise 2. Translate the following word combinations with Participle II as an attribute.
- Language activity
- Exercise 3. Cross out “that”, “who”, “which”, “when” if one can manage without them. Underline the subject in the second sentence.
- Supplementery tasks
- Improve your translation practice
- Лазерная сварка
- Лазеры в медицине
- How a Laser Works The Basics of an Atom
- The Connection Between Atoms and Lasers
- Understanding a printed text
- Lasers in Communication
- Laser Uses
- Appendix I Химические формулы
- Appendix II
- Appendix III Business Communication
- I. Introduction. Writing and Speaking – Your Keys to Business Success.
- II. The job campaign
- Working Experience
- Curriculum vitae
- Education
- III. Business letters
- I. Introducing your firm (the body the message of a letter).
- II. Official Invitations
- III. Request
- IV. Claim, protest!
- V. Gratitude, thanks.
- VI. Regret, apology
- Supplementary reading appendix IV Albert Einstein
- Arthur l. Schawlow
- Charles h. Townes
- Aleksandr m. Prokhorov
- Nicolay g. Basov
- Ted Maiman and the world's first laser
- Dictionary
- Haze, n – туман, дымка
- Observe, V – наблюдать
- Optics, n – оптика, оптические приборы
- Literature