Language activity
Exercise 1. Define the functions of Infinitive Constructions in each sentence.
The idea of the experiment is to transform gas into metal.
Astronomers use radar to explore the Universe.
The experiment is to be carried out at low pressure.
To transmit the human voice around the Earth became possible by means of radio.
I’m glad to have come in time to see her off.
The instrument to be tested will help us to compare the sources of illumination.
To understand this rule we have to read it several times.
I don't want to burden you with my own troubles.
To carry more current a larger conductor must be used.
The telephone is out of order, you'll have to make your call from a public phone.
To prove this law experimentally is very difficult.
Higher education is a major issue to be discussed.
Exercise 2. Translate the sentences paying special attention to Infinitive Constructions.
The radius of our orbit is believed to be increasing very slowly.
The copper to be refined is cast into large plates.
This property allows the alpha particles to be detected.
There appeared to be two distinct effects in this case.
Electrons can be made to travel at very high speeds.
The idea of nuclear charge and atomic number is now realized to be most important.
The cooling is effected by methods to be discussed in the next chapter.
A certain period of time must be allowed for the oil drops to be removed by the electric field or by precipitation.
There appears to be direct evidence of the existence of negative electrons in matter.
The distance “d” was calculated and found to be 2.814 angströms.
The best agreement is to be found in the case of carbonic acid.
In our discussion the nucleus will be taken to be at rest.
We may suppose the alpha-particles within nucleus to be in motion.
Ordinary objects are not likely to move with a velocity approaching the velocity of light.
Exercise 3. Translate from Russian into English.
В статье описывается полупроводниковый лазер.
Полупроводниковый лазер на арсениде галлия был изготовлен в 1962 г.
Он состоит из двух слоев арсенида галлия.
Один слой – это слой n-типа, а другой – p-типа.
Инжекционный лазер имеет очень ровный (плоский) переход.
Два параллельных зеркала образуют объемный резонатор.
Лазеры работают при t0=77К и ниже.
Когерентный свет выходит из перехода между двумя слоями арсенида галлия.
Зеркала обеспечивают обратную связь.
Излучение выходит только с одной стороны прибора.
Главное преимущество полупроводникового лазера – самый высокий КПД.
Полупроводниковые лазеры возбуждаются электрическим током.
Exercise 4. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the structure “is made to do”.
1. In this laser the electron is made to pass through the magnetic field generated by the wiggler.
2. The first FEL was made to operate at λ=3.4 mm using the Standford University linear accelerator.
3. Only two types of color-centres have been made to lase.
4. Mode-locked color-center lasers emitted at λ=1.5 mm have been made to generate very short pulses in single-mode fibers.
5. X-ray lasers are usually made to operate without mirror.
6. Semiconductor lasers were made to operate CW at room temperature after the invention of the heterojunction laser in 1969.
- Л.П. Маркушевская, с.В. Шенцова, е.В. Соколова optics:
- Contents
- The History of Optics
- Understanding a printed text
- Comprehensive reading The History of Optics
- Check your understanding
- Exercise 2. Complete the sentences:
- Increase your vocabulary
- Chapter I Classical (Geometrical) Optics
- Comprehensive reading From the History of Geometrical Optics
- Check your understanding Exercise 1. True or false?
- Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer.
- Increase your vocabulary
- A virtual image …
- Language activity
- Unit 2 word-study
- Understanding a printed text
- Reading for precise information Nature of Light and Color
- Laws of reflection:
- Laws of refraction:
- Check your understanding
- 3 Laws
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Unit 3 word-study
- Understanding a printed text
- Scan-reading Optical Instruments
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Exercise 4. Summarize your knowledge of Past Simple or Past Continuous. Choose the correct tense.
- Unit 4 word study
- Understanding a printed text List of Terms:
- Reading and translating the text Lenses
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Unit 5 word study
- Understanding a printed text List of Terms:
- Read the text and entitle it
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language acitivity
- Review of the chapter I
- Supplementary tasks
- Improve your translation practice task 1
- The History of the Telescope
- Exercise 1. Rearrange the sentences in the chronological order.
- Holography
- Illumination, never remove protective cover from the
- Астрономические наблюдения объектов в широком диапазоне длин волн
- Chapter II Fiber Optics Unit 1
- Comprehensive reading The History of Fiber Optics
- Check your understanding Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.
- Increase your vocabulary Exercise 1. Compare the two columns and find Russian equivalents.
- Exercise 2. Match the antonyms.
- Language activity Exercise 1. Summarize your knowledge of Passive Constructions and translate the following sentences.
- Fiber Optic Systems
- Fiber Optic Technology
- Check your understanding
- Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with words from the text.
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Unit 3 word-study
- Understanding a printed text
- Reading and translating the text
- Check your understanding Exercise 1. Which title better suits the text?
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Exercise 2. Which of the italicized words in each sentence is the predicate?
- Unit 4 word study
- Read – reread;
- Understanding a printed text
- Comprehensive reading Optical Fiber Applications
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Rewiew of the chapter II
- Supplementary tasks
- Improve your translation practice task 1
- Fiber Optic Economics
- Exercise 1. Answer the questions.
- Exercise 2. Translate the following parentheses into Russian.
- How Optical Fibers Work
- Chapter III
- Word study
- Understanding a printed text
- Amplifier – усилитель
- Reading for discussion Maser-Laser History
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Unit 2 word study
- Understanding a printed text
- Reading for precise information Types of Lasers
- Solid-State Lasers
- Gas Lasers
- Semiconductor Lasers
- Free-Electron Lasers
- Liquid Lasers (Dye Lasers)
- Chemical Lasers
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Comprehensive reading Solid - State Lasers
- Semiconductor Lasers
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Adjectives
- Language activity
- Unit 4 word-study
- Understanding a printed text
- Comprehensive reading Gas and Molecular Lasers Gas Lasers
- Fig.1. Construction of He-Ne laser
- Molecular Lasers
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Language activity
- Exercise 3. Summarize your knowledge on non-Finite forms. Define the form of the underlined words (Infinitive, Participle - I, Participle - II, Gerund). Translate the sentences.
- Unit 5 word study
- Verb – noun
- Understanding a printed text
- Scan-reading Laser Applications
- Industry
- Scientific Research
- Communication
- Medicine
- Military Technology
- Laser Safety
- Check your understanding
- Increase your vocabulary
- Exercise 2. Translate the following word combinations with Participle II as an attribute.
- Language activity
- Exercise 3. Cross out “that”, “who”, “which”, “when” if one can manage without them. Underline the subject in the second sentence.
- Supplementery tasks
- Improve your translation practice
- Лазерная сварка
- Лазеры в медицине
- How a Laser Works The Basics of an Atom
- The Connection Between Atoms and Lasers
- Understanding a printed text
- Lasers in Communication
- Laser Uses
- Appendix I Химические формулы
- Appendix II
- Appendix III Business Communication
- I. Introduction. Writing and Speaking – Your Keys to Business Success.
- II. The job campaign
- Working Experience
- Curriculum vitae
- Education
- III. Business letters
- I. Introducing your firm (the body the message of a letter).
- II. Official Invitations
- III. Request
- IV. Claim, protest!
- V. Gratitude, thanks.
- VI. Regret, apology
- Supplementary reading appendix IV Albert Einstein
- Arthur l. Schawlow
- Charles h. Townes
- Aleksandr m. Prokhorov
- Nicolay g. Basov
- Ted Maiman and the world's first laser
- Dictionary
- Haze, n – туман, дымка
- Observe, V – наблюдать
- Optics, n – оптика, оптические приборы
- Literature