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Англійська мова(edisk_files) / Кузьмина И

8. State whether the following statements are true or false.

  • 1. The expansion of the universe can be viewed as the flow of material from the Big Bang into empty space.

  • 2. Hubble’s law can be inverted to give the approximate age of the universe.

  • 3. The cosmological redshift can be viewed as a consequence of the expansion of space itself.

  • 4. The cosmic microwave background radiation spectrum fits a blackbody curve with an average temperature of 273 kelvins.

  • 5. Counting all the known luminous material in all the stars and galaxies yields only about one percent of the matter needed to keep the universe from expanding forever.

  • 6. According to our present understanding of Hubble's law, every point in the universe is expanding away from every other point, but the universe has no preferred center.

  • 7. The 3-kelvin background radiation is emission from intergalactic gas.

  • 8. We seem to be completely surrounded by the origin of the universe.

  • 9. The average density of the universe is similar to the density of water.

  • 10. If the universe is closed, it will begin to collapse in about 10 billion years.

  • 11. Cosmological redshifts are caused by the motion of the Milky Way through space.

  • 12. If the average density of matter in the universe is greater than the critical density, then the universe will be closed.

  • 13. The observable universe is infinite in extent.

  • 14. Olbers’s paradox concerns why the sky is dark at night.

  • 15. If quasars are really at the distances they seem to be, then we see them as they were when the universe was young.

  • 16. The average density of the universe being constant is compatible with the expansion of the universe.

  • 17. All points in space appear to be at the center of the expanding universe.

  • 18. The universe appears to be younger than its oldest stars.

  • 19. As it travels through space, a photon's wavelength increases at the same rate as the universe is expanding.

  • 20. Recent observations of supernovae suggest the universe is no longer expanding.